Saint Lawrence River from A to Z I am seeing
waters until the Great Lakes in whispering,
lays down among the ivory field and the green
the lavish clover on the three leafs carmine.
Many colors in a cascade over your face in kisses
small or large vessel go down and up by a thread
triumph on waves ocean or river sometimes
from east to west, they defile smiles.
Lavender estuary of the orient you really know
the calmness in soft and sweetish drops you bring
before the day finishes, the nectar you're spreading,
and in gloaming, the beautiful moon appears in glow
when you fade and empty the sound by yourself
from your murmur as a miniature of a fine pearl.
2007.November, 23th
To my Canadian friends,
I am blessed to have all of you in my life.
Thanks for all, to be here in my heart, to support me.
Love and care
Mila Marian
9 comentários:
we are blessed to have you in our life Marian. You really know how to touch us.
no words I have to express how Im feeling blessed reading this one.
...listen to your heart, a song for you Marian!
I really appreciated this page, and I am grateful to be your friend. thanks for all.
waaaa thanks for that Marian, its really nice.
Mila...quanta coisa linda de se ler e ver! Boa semana pra vc querida.
tá lindo demais esse blog gente, quanta delícia de se ler e ver. boa semana pra todo o blog.
quite cool!!!! congratulations to the group!
Ahmed from Greece
hey there, it\'s great!
That\'s a great job, a very good poetry.
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