Ser repentino clarão no firmamento
arroubo de eloqüência nas tormentas
estilhaçar em mil pedaços este sentimento
desvencilhando elos que me acorrentam.
Aos velhos moinhos de vento retornar
no levante que às nossas almas cindiu
e um novo e colorido umbral desenhar
no desbotado íris restante desde que partiu.
Não imagino outros tons primaveris
se o perfume esta rosa já não exala
à sombra das ramadas pastoris .
Não posso deixar de amar tanto assim
se passante sou nas profundas valas
das tuas marcas deixadas em mim.
I cannot be a sudden flash at the sky
enchantment in words on the storm
split this feeling in incalculable pieces
get rid of the bonds which chain myself.
To the old windmills I cannot return
to the dawn that separated our souls
and a new and colored door draw
over the remained pale iris since you go away.
I do not imagine another spring color
if this rose no more exhales the scent
under the shadow of the bucolic branches.
I cannot stop to love you like this
if I am a walker in the deep ditch
from your written signs inside of me.
I cannot be a sudden flash at the sky
enchantment in words on the storm
split this feeling in incalculable pieces
get rid of the bonds which chain myself.
To the old windmills I cannot return
to the dawn that separated our souls
and a new and colored door draw
over the remained pale iris since you go away.
I do not imagine another spring color
if this rose no more exhales the scent
under the shadow of the bucolic branches.
I cannot stop to love you like this
if I am a walker in the deep ditch
from your written signs inside of me.
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