Luzes gêmeas
Crescem dentro da alma luzes em aura vital
a primeira incandesce em plena harmonia
arde na labareda o resquício da nostalgia
de braços abertos ilumina e abre o portal.
A gêmea no compasso da outra aproxima
luz de estrela, traz no caudal, da terra o sal
fertiliza a senda, se acomoda dentro do cristal
num brilho sagrado onde repousa a menina.
Luzes em valsa giram de um lado ao outro
bailarinas que são, abrem cortinas e iniciam
a dança das suaves cores ao ano vindouro,
nos campos de manjericão numa só linha
o aroma colhido dos cachos elas irradiam
mescla de paz e amor nas novas vinhas.
Em 21 de dezembro de 2007.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License
Twin Lights
Grow inside the soul, lights in vital breath
the first glows in full harmony
on flame burns any trace of the nostalgia
with open arms, lights and opens the gate.
The twin approachs at the same step of her,
light of star, brings in cascade, from Land the salt
fertilizes the path, adjust herself inside of crystal
where the girl rests, in a holly bright.
Lights in waltz move around from one side to other
they are ballerinas, open the curtains and start
the dancing of sweet colors to the new year,
over the basil fields in only one line
from the bunches diffuse the picked scent
in mix of peaceful and love on the new vineyards.
2007, December, 21st.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License
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