Ao som dos violinos, conchas a balouçar
ondas na enseada, largos seixos em profusão
sob os raios do luar, dunas plenas em oração
escaldante areia moldando dois a se enlaçar.
Invade o mar a encosta e umedece a praia
deita os céus e sopra cálida a brisa da manhã
cacheandó sobre a pérola todo aquele afã
de descer as serras e bordar finas cambraias.
Desmaia a lua que consagra no painel
o oceano beijando a angra naquele ritual
revelando águas azuis com sabor de mel,
néctar que escorre fervilhando os corais
avermelha espumas formando um orbital
onde navegam caravelas em espirais.
Japão em 07 de julho de 2007
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
Under violins sound, shells swing
waves on bay, large pebbles in profusion
below moonlight, dunes full in prayer
burning sand adjusting two in only one tie.
Sea intrudes upon hillside and wets beach
lays sky down and the warmth breeze breaths
clustering over pearl that bustle
to climb down ceilings and embroider chambrays.
The moon fades, around panel acclaims
ocean kissing inlet in a ritual
which reveals blue waters with honey taste,
nectar that flows, boiling corals
blushes bubbles shaping an orbital
where vessels cross over in spiral.
Japan, 2007, July 7th
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
Under violins sound, shells swing
waves on bay, large pebbles in profusion
below moonlight, dunes full in prayer
burning sand adjusting two in only one tie.
Sea intrudes upon hillside and wets beach
lays sky down and the warmth breeze breaths
clustering over pearl that bustle
to climb down ceilings and embroider chambrays.
The moon fades, around panel acclaims
ocean kissing inlet in a ritual
which reveals blue waters with honey taste,
nectar that flows, boiling corals
blushes bubbles shaping an orbital
where vessels cross over in spiral.
Japan, 2007, July 7th
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
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