Borbulhem na nascente de amor
e o sussurro dos trigais prateados
ouvir-se-á nos campos aprimorados
pelas sementes do sagrado orador.
Uma miríade de centelhas vibrantes
convergida enfim à mesma janela
na adormecida noite daquela capela
honrará o panteão que se vê adiante.
Reverenciem, pois as divindades celestes
na clareira entoarão o canto de glória
e o universo será uma só prece,
ouvindo das brisas o urgente chamado
das tribos que lutam por sua história,
no vôo do pássaro livre e indomado.
Japão - 20.02.2007
Bubble up in love source
and the whisper from silver fields
must be heard around meadow improved
by the Sacred Orator, the seeds.
Brilliant flashes in a myriad
at last to the same window converged
at the asleep night of that shrine,
will honor the deity who is ahead.
Therefore rever the celestial deities
over the glade will tune the song of glory
and only one pray will be the Universe,
from the breeze hearing the urgent invite
of tribes which struggle for their history
for the free and untamed bird flight.
Japan, 2007. February. 20th
Bubble up in love source
and the whisper from silver fields
must be heard around meadow improved
by the Sacred Orator, the seeds.
Brilliant flashes in a myriad
at last to the same window converged
at the asleep night of that shrine,
will honor the deity who is ahead.
Therefore rever the celestial deities
over the glade will tune the song of glory
and only one pray will be the Universe,
from the breeze hearing the urgent invite
of tribes which struggle for their history
for the free and untamed bird flight.
Japan, 2007. February. 20th
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