Adentre agora em minh'alma o sol por aquela fresta
acentuando o azul das varandas entrelaçadas ao rio
onde o brilho das mansas brumas a correr no meio-fio
escorregam a súplica dos teus olhos e aqui se manifesta.
Contestara minha palma à dádiva de tão doce olhar
que no clarear do novo dia fizera dos meus adendo
concluindo e fechando o livro do último momento
e em suspiro entregara-me flores a desabrochar.
Principiem agora ondas de um mar de calmaria
encrespando então qual suave voz nas enseadas
e assinalem em teu brasão esta minha idolatria,
aqueçam os timbres e o som das cítaras no anel
em retilíneos cantos rumo à sagrada coordenada
encapelem assim no meu, o olhar de um Coronel.
Japão em 05 de junho de 2007
Now go the sun through my soul from that slit
emphasizing the blue of verandas interlaced with the river
where the light of calm brumes runs out on the string
sliding the prayer of your eyes and shows up inside of me.
My palm holds out before the tender sight (that is a gift)
when dawn comes, make my eyes addend of yours
concluding and closing the book of the last moment
in whispering give me flowers in blooming.
Start now! Waves from a Sea of calmness
As mild voice wrinkle over bays
and sign in your seal this idolatry of mine,
warm the sounds and the cithara's song over sphere
in rectilinear chants towards to the Holy coordinate
crest then on mine, the sight of a Colonel.
Japan, 2007-June-5th
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
Now go the sun through my soul from that slit
emphasizing the blue of verandas interlaced with the river
where the light of calm brumes runs out on the string
sliding the prayer of your eyes and shows up inside of me.
My palm holds out before the tender sight (that is a gift)
when dawn comes, make my eyes addend of yours
concluding and closing the book of the last moment
in whispering give me flowers in blooming.
Start now! Waves from a Sea of calmness
As mild voice wrinkle over bays
and sign in your seal this idolatry of mine,
warm the sounds and the cithara's song over sphere
in rectilinear chants towards to the Holy coordinate
crest then on mine, the sight of a Colonel.
Japan, 2007-June-5th
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.
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